Masturbates Kanojo Wa Nandemo Shite Kureru | Erotic Older Wife Nasty Free Porn

Masturbates Kanojo Wa Nandemo Shite Kureru | Erotic Older Wife  Nasty Free Porn

Marsden tried in vain to get a grip on what was overcoming him, but it was a much too powerful force that had taken hold of him, and as he struggled to get a grip, the orgasm that had been building slowly over the past hour sent his pecker reeling out of control as it convulsed spasmodically to its crushing completion!!! He lay there in the darkness of his bedroom bathed in sweat as the last vestiges of his climax slowly ebbed from his shaking body!!! “W-what the heck’s happening to me,” he asked himself softly while padding off to the bathroom to wash off, “this is the tenth night in a row!?!” “Jeez, fella, I hate to say this but you look like hell,” Vern told Marsden as the two of them huddled around the coffee machine at work, “what’d ya get last night, two hours sleep!?!” “I wish,” Marsden replied after taking a sip of the piping hot java, “do I look that bad!?!” “Well, I guess that depends on your definition of bad,” Vern replied with a chuckle, “what’s the problem, I hafta tell ya you’ve been looking a little ragged for over a week now?!?” While the two of them wandered slowly back to their offices Marsden whispered, “Can you stop in for a minute, I have to tell someone and it might as well be you!?!” “Okay, give,” Vern said while settling down in a chair opposite his friend’s desk!!! “I-I don’t know quite how to explain this,” Marsden began slowly, “but have you ever, I mean when you’re sleeping have you ever had a, you know, a climax, in your sleep I mean!?!” Vern stared blankly at his friend for a moment and asked softly, “You mean a sexual climax?!?” “Is there any other kind,” Marsden asked a little irritably, “of course a sexual climax, well, have you had one in your sleep!?!”

“Good grief, man,” Vera replied, “you get right down to the brass tacks don’t you!?!” “I didn’t know how else to phrase it,” Marsden replied, “and I’m desperate!!!” “A-are you really having orgasms in your sleep,” Vern asked softly?!? Marsden took a another slug of coffee, emptying his cup, and then after taking a deep breath answered haltingly, “T-they’re the most incredible climaxes I’ve ever experienced,” he said barely above a whisper, “and as good as they are, I have absolutely no control of them!!!” “Wow,” Vern said with a low whistle, “do you have dreams when you cum, I mean……. Cut [Two-dimensional 24] Through Onomatopoeia,… .

Hentai: [Takasugi Kou] Kanojo wa Nandemo Shite Kureru | Erotic Older Wife (COMIC ChoiS! 2008-10 Vol. 12) [English] [desudesu]

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[タカスギコウ]彼女はなんでもしてくれる(COMIC ちょいエス! 2008年10月号 Vol.12) [英訳]

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